updated: 2022-01-23_12:32:30-05:00
created: 2021-10-22T09:15:43-04:00
updated: 2021-10-22T09:29:56-04:00
Push Down Automata
A class of machines that recognize Context Free Languages
- Has a stack
Formal Definition
Pushdown Automata is a 6-tuple(Q, $\Sigma$, Rho, $\delta$, q0, f)
- Q is the set of all states
- $\Sigma$ is the input alphabet
- Rho is the stack alphabet
- $\delta$: Q x $\Sigma$ e Rho_e_ -> P(Q x Rho e) is the transition function
- q_0_ $\in$ Q is start state
- f subset Q is set of accept states
Informal Definition
An NFA with a stack
Stack provides additional memory allowing it to recognize non-regular languages
$ -> $\varepsilon$ for end of stack, o->$\varepsilon$ for stack popping
G = ({s},{a,b},R,S)
R = {s->aSb|SS| $\varepsilon$ }
if we set
a = (
b = )
We now have a linter for () of programming languages
How is a string constructed? LTR, RTL, Outside in...
Strings derived from Left To Right: s->0s|1s| $\varepsilon$
Strings derived from Right To Left: s->s0|s1| $\varepsilon$
Strings derived from Outside in: s->0s1| $\varepsilon$
Eg: Language of strings that start with 1 $\Sigma$ = {0,1}
R = {
s -> 1r
r -> 0r | 1r | e
Or: S -> S0 | S1 | 1
Eg: Language of strings that start and end with the same symbol
s -> 0r0 | 1r1 | 1 | 0
r -> 0r | 1r | e
Eg: Language of strings that contain substring '001'
s -> r001r
r -> 0r | 1r | e
So far all of these are regular
Theorem: All regular languages are context free languages
Proof by construction:
An algorithm that converts a RE to CFG
Six cases: based on form RE R
- if R = a then Grammar G contains a single rule: s->a
- R = e then G is s -> e
- R $\neq$ $\emptyset$ then G has no rules
- R = R1 $\cup$ R2
- R = R1 R2 (concatenation)
- R = R1*;
Convert R1 and R2 into grammar G1 and G2
Make sure that the two grammars have no variables in common
Let S1 and S2 be the start variables for G1 and G2 respectively
The grammar of R1 $\cup$ R2 contains all variables and rules of G1 and G2 with a new start symbol s and the rule s -> s1 | s2
Ambiguity and Parse Trees:
Eg: Arithmetic expression with operand a and operators + and *
- Coming up with a grammar for this...
E -> E + E | E * E | (E) | a
Let's do a parse tree fora+a*a
E * E
E + E
a a
E + E
E * E
a a
If a string has more than one parse tree in a particular grammar the grammar is ambiguous
Why is ambiguity a problem?
- You cannot conclude how long it takes to process a particular string
- We measure this in derivations..
- Because it's recursive we could loop forever
For context free grammar, we have a solution
Chomsky Normal Form
Some Context Free Languages can only be generated using ambiguous grammar. Such languages are called Inherently ambiguous and cannot be put in Chomsky form
L = {a$^{2n}b^{3n}|n\geq 0$}
x | x | x | x |
aa | aa | bbb | bbb |
aabbb![]() |